It's pretty likely that you came upon this page because you're looking for information about trains. If that's the case, you'll be happy to know that the random train generator was created with the specific intent to show the many different types of trains that exist in the world. While the train generator is the main focus of this page, there's also a list of trains that can be accessed at the bottom of this page. Whether you end up using the train generator or the train list, we hope that you find the random trains produced through this tool as useful for your needs.
It may not be totally obvious to those who have never used a random generator before, but using this train tool it's actually quite easy. As long as you are able to click on the generate button, you'll have access to hundreds of random trains. While the automatic default is to produce four results each time click the generate button, you may change this number of results to any number you want to see. Then each time that you press the generate button you will get exactly that number of random train results.
For those who have spent some time using the random train generator, we hope that you have found it to be useful for your specific needs. If you have found it useful and there are specific aspects about the tool that you like, please take a moment to let us know what these are. On the opposite end, if there are things that you didn't like or you feel could be improved, we'd also be interested in learning what these are. The more we understand how people are using the random train generator the better we can make adjustments in the future to make it the best possible train generator on the internet.
List of Trains